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Pregnant and Nauseated? Don’t Suffer!

pregnant women walking

Reports indicate that upwards of 50-75% of women will suffer from nausea and/or vomiting predominately during the first 10 weeks of pregnancy. The cause is unclear, but fortunately only .3-1% of women will advance to a potentially morbid state called Hyperemesis Gravidarum, which can potentially cause significant health issues for the mother.

A pregnant patient should weigh the ramifications of persistent nausea, which logically include fatigue, lack of well-being, and emotional stress against the potential risks of medications which can alleviate the nausea (McCormack). There are studies which indicate mental distress caused by nausea can persist long after the nausea subsides.

To date there is a vast amount of experience with certain antiemetic (anti-nausea) medications, which have no documented ill effects on the developing fetus. This is a suggested list of medications, published by ACOG (The American College of OB-GYN), which studies have shown to be effective:

Take home message: Nausea in pregnancy can be debilitating both physically and mentally. There are many safe and effective products for this problem and there is no reason for the patient to suffer!

Dr. Luis Usuga Dr. DeLeon received his MD and surgical training at the University of Antioquia in Medellin, Colombia. Dr. DeLeon then served as a Resident of General Surgery at Mercy Catholic Medical Center in Lansdown, Pennsylvania. He completed his internship and residency in obstetrics and gynecology at Jackson Memorial Hospital, university of Miami, and at the University of Puerto Rico. Dr. DeLeon has been in private practice in the Dallas metroplex since October 1998. He is a preceptor for Medical students. Dr. DeLeon is Board Certified and is a member of the American College OB/GYN, snd the AMA

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